
Newspaper Article, From John Craven

22 October 1969 From the York County Coast Star

Word has been received of the death of Pfc. Wayne R. Elkins, Sr., 23, a resident of Wells, who was killed Oct. 4th in Vietnam as a result of non-hostile action. Born at York, March 18, 1946, he attended Wells High School, and entered the Army last November. He is survived by his step-father and mother Guy and Ruth Murray Woodward of Wells; his wife, Mrs. Patricia Martin Elkins, and two sons, Wayne, Jr. and James W. Elkins of Wells; two half-brothers, Pvt. Roland B. Woodward of Fort Dix, N.J., and Guy V. Woodward of Wells; two half-sisters, Mrs. Diana Young and Miss Natalie Woodward, both of Wells; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Susan Murray of Ogunquit; his paternal step-grandmother, Mrs. Beatrice Woodward of Jonesport; a niece and a nephew.


Wayne's Grave

Wayne's Flag and Gold Star Lapel Button

Public Law 534 - 89th Congress provides that one Gold Star Lapel Button will be furnished,
without cost, to the widow or widower, to each parent, and to the next of kin, of those
Killed in Action. The next of kin includes Son, Daughter, Brother, and Sister. See
applcation for complete list. A link to the application for Gold Star Lapel Button can
be found on our links page.

Tracy and Wayne Elkins Jr, John and Gail Craven
Visit to Wayne's grave, Aug 2007

70th Engineers Unit Crest - Click to Enter Web Site

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Memorial to Davenport - Elkins - McLaughlin